jueves, 12 de noviembre de 2009
jueves, 5 de noviembre de 2009
My faculty
jueves, 8 de octubre de 2009
Task 5: Dream Vacation
jueves, 24 de septiembre de 2009
Task 4: Books
At the time, I would like to read about psychology, but, also I would like to read book about fiction science or the Hermann Hesse’s, because when I was at winter’s vacation I started to read “Siddharta”, but I didn’t finished it and I really liked the story and the idea of the book.
jueves, 3 de septiembre de 2009
Task 3: Transantiago System

Well, the Transantiago system is a public transport system that supposed to be better than the system we had before (the system with yellow buses). It consists in buses that have different ways to operate, some of them are locals and the others are “troncales”, which crosses a great amount of the territory of the capital. The idea of this system is that now we pay with a card in change of the coins, so, it’s faster than before, or that supposed to be. Also, the system operates with the subway, where the card can be used too. And when we want to change of bus or go to the subway, we just pay once if we did it already in other bus or in the subway, but it’s with limited time of course.
It’s better in the way that it’s faster than before, but, in the beginning, the change was not wanted for the people, it was very criticized, the tours of the buses were not well designed; and this design was not understood for the people, because it was a little complicated to make a tour.
My experiences with the old system were not a lot, because I began to go in bus two years before the Transantiago system replaced the old one, and I just go to the school to my house…but I remember that it was not so bad, however, the conditions of the older buses were terribly in some cases. With the Transantiago I have felt comfortable, though in the mornings the buses collapse and even at the day the tours needs to be replaced.
I’m not an expert in the topic, but, I would empathize in put in the way more buses, and to design better the tours, because there are some parts of the capital that hasn’t very well designed tours. Also, I would check the bus stops, because there are many of them that are in bad conditions and, like in the last point, there are parts of the capital that hasn’t stop buses.
That’s all for today, see ya!
jueves, 27 de agosto de 2009
Task 2: Country I would like to visit
In my short life, I just have travel a few times, when I was a kid I traveled to Chillán, and years I traveled with my classmates to Brasil, which was funny. But, It was not a place I died to meet.
It’s a kind difficult for my to decide which country or place I would like to visit, I like a lot of countries, like Japan or France, but this time I’ll decide for England. I decide for it because for me it has a particular magic, the buildings, the history, the legends and the myths, all that make me feel like I’m in a different world, it’s like if you could open your eyes to something you’ve never known.
If I would be there, I wouldn’t sleep at all, I would be outside all the day. I would visit historic places, but, at the same time, I would like to know all the typical places, where the England’s soul rests. I would walk for all the streets I could, I would eat every place I could, and I just wouldn’t breath! If I could, I would to live there, it would be interesting to wake up every morning and see a different world that I have never seen. Also, in England has born a lot of music groups that I like, so, I would be like meet the inspiration where they have find the power to create their music, and also, I would be easier to go to their concerts. For other hand, in England there are a lot of beautiful lanscape I would like to visit, all the nature makes me feel in a magic world, and there are places like Stonehedge, which I would to visit beacause I think it is so easy to see it and to undesrtand that it was in a time were people uses it for specific things, things different from the things we do in our time
In England is the best psychology university, Cambridge, so, if I could, I would like to do a post grade there, but that is a fantasy I wish it could come real.
That’s all for today, see you soon!
jueves, 13 de agosto de 2009
Task 1: Experiences of my first semester
Hello! This week I'll talk about my first semester experience.
Well, first of all, I'm studying Psychology; this is my first year in the university, so all have been new for me.
The first semester was full of new experiences. We started with 6 different classes, but just 2 were focused in my career. In the others classes I learned about other social sciences, like History or Anthropology, also I learned about Philosophy. In the class of Psychology we read a book called "Psychology and Life", that was like manual where we could see al the different currents of psychology, like psychoanalysis.
In my free time I talked with my friends or I studied, but this last thing I didn't do it. Sometimes I went to the library or I went wherever I could talk with my friends.
When I got here I had to face many new challenges, like read at least something every day or take a lot of notes, especially in History, where the teacher talked a lot and we had to read a lot.
In the first semester I met new friends form different parts of the country. The fact that we have to take sport classes or CFG gives you the opportunity to meet a lot of people, also, the University is very big, so you can meet new people everywhere.
That's all for today, see you soon!